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Admin UI could support usernames/passwords (feature request)

srchulo opened this issue · comments

This is a feature request. It would be nice if there was a simple login page that came with the Admin UI so that usernames/passwords could come from the passed in config or a backend.

I don't think there are any good reasons why this needs to be part of the Minion Admin UI. It's better to have this feature as a generic 3rd party login plugin on CPAN. The module synopsis already includes a Basic auth example, form login could work just the same.

I agree with @kraih.

I agree, a third party plugin that already does the login would be good.

The reason I wanted this is that most of my use cases, the login is meant for the users of the site, so it feels a little unnatural to piggyback on that when really what I want is a login just for Minion. So I'm creating a login page/basic login code a few different places for different apps when I use Minion. I thought it could be convenient to have the login page bundled with Minion as a feature for the dashboard.

However, if you both don't think this is a good idea, feel free to close! It's not a ton of code that I have to write, and maybe I could just create something reusable myself, especially if others don't run into this much.

The problem is that there’s a bunch of ways to handle login, and storing username/passwords in a config file is not a very good idea.

One thing that might be a good idea though, would be if minion provided a login page (html, css), so it would look like minion all the way. That way the user of the plugin could add her/his own action to handle the login credentials.

I’m not sure if that’s a good idea either though, because there might easily come some requests for “I want company logo placeholder” or “I need an email field, not username” or some other features.

The problem is that there’s a bunch of ways to handle login, and storing username/passwords in a config file is not a very good idea.

Yeah, I guess I was just picturing something minimal since that's what I need, but your follow up point is good in that this could launch a bunch of other requests. If that's not the direction of the Admin UI, maybe it would make sense to either do nothing, or do whatever amount is appropriate and make clear in the documentation that Minion did a small amount for consistency, but it's not the direction of Minion to go further down that path.

However, it's always possible there are those who don't read the documentation or don't agree and then generate the requests you mentioned earlier :)