mojaloop / mojaloop-specification

This repo contains the specification document set of the Open API for FSP Interoperability

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Migrate images into a format that is easier for collaboration

adrianhopebailie opened this issue · comments

The specification contain a rich set of extremely valuable diagrams.

We should find a way to store these in Git so that it is possible for change requests to be made that include modified versions of the diagrams to illustrate the changes more effectively.

This would require that they are stored in a form that is editable, preferably with minimal extra tooling.

Perhaps SVG is a good option?

Hi Adrian, the Mojaloop community has been using SVG for hand-drawn diagrams and we use PlantUML for sequence diagrams. Both of these formats are text-based and compatible with a Git toolchain. PlantUML in particular is excellent as a high-level actor-process-sequence markup. We use GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) for all narrative documents. And we have a simple toolchain that can produce static PDFs from these source files, nicely formatted, for offline reading or printing. I expect the configuration of these tools would work largely as-is for the API specification, with stylistic templates provided by the CCB to their requirements.

Have a look at the documentation files within the Mojaloop repos.

Separately, Kim Walters is exploring the use of hosted Gitbooks to improve the publication quality and provide simultaneous publication in both Web and PDF formats for No change to the source files, just the tool chain.

It's worth noting that there seems to be an evolving (though I think as yet undefined) language for sequence diagram markup. For instance, if you strip the enclosing tags (@startuml/@enduml) from a PlantUml description it renders correctly in Not sure if this is true throughout the PlantUml spec, but it certainly worked for the E2E sequence diagram. I'll look into this further.

I did some initial tests and it seems easier out-of-the-box to make more professional-looking diagrams in than in PlantUML. Below is an example using to draw Figure 22 in API Definition (also fixed some small issues with the current version, e.g. Payer in current version should be Payer (Agent) for clarity).

figure 22

The sequence "code" that I used in
figure 22 in API Definition.txt

Please find some minor corrections (some styling, correct font, and an activation which should have stopped earlier) in the below source file and generated image.

figure 22 in API Definition (minor update).txt

figure 22

Almost the same file could also be used in PlantUML as indicated earlier by @MichaelJBRichards, with some changes in the header of the file using some skinparam settings to set up a reasonably good looking diagram.

figure 22 - plantuml.txt



Thanks Henrik for this. Let me try it out as well.

@elnyry Here are some additional skinparam settings to make it look more like existing diagrams:
skinparam shadowing false
skinparam defaultFontName Calibri
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam SequenceLifeLineBackgroundColor WhiteSmoke
skinparam SequenceLifeLineBorderColor Black
skinparam ActorFontStyle Bold
skinparam ActorFontSize 20
skinparam ParticipantFontStyle Bold
skinparam ParticipantFontSize 20
skinparam ParticipantBackgroundColor WhiteSmoke

Please note that the defaultFontName Calibri does not seem to work on online plantuml, only works locally for me.

FYI, I got the same code to work with a few modifications in Mermaid
View live editor here

I haven't played with theming to get the look to match above but the advantage of Mermaid is that it is Open Source and written in JS so would fit easily into our toolchain.

There is also a GitBook plugin:

This is probably the closest I can get using PlantUML to the existing figures without spending too much time:


figure 22.txt


@adrianhopebailie @ehenrka @MichaelJBRichards @MichaelJBRichards - any objections to closing this now?

As discussed above, we're now using SVGs for hand drawn diagrams and plantuml (with enhancements for better rendering) for sequence diagrams, as can be seen in the API Definition markdown doc. Example of a sequence diagram is here: and you can review the rest of the document for other architecture (or other) and sequence diagrams.

Some immediate comments regarding just the linked figure:

  • The height of the participant boxes should preferably be the same. Use for example participant "\nFSP" as FSP to get the same height as the Optional Switch which is in two rows.
  • Related to above, compare Peer FSP in Figure 1 to Figure 2, in Figure 1 Peer FSP is in two rows while in Figure 2 it is in one row.
  • Don't know if it is the font used, but it really looks like the word "service" is using capital I ("servIce"). At least this is an issue when using default zoom in Chrome (100%). Using for example 90% or 110% gives a correct lower case "i". Can we change the font?
  • Again, don't know if it is a font issue but "HTTP 202 (Accepted)" looks like there is no whitespace between HTTP 202 and (Accepted).
  • "Figure 2 -- HTTP GET call flow" Double "--" which seems unnecessary?
  • Use hide footbox to remove participant boxes in the footer

Thanks @ehenrka , will address these.

I also looked at an image that is not a sequence diagram, Figure 6, and there are a lot of misspellings of "commission", and the shape depicting the Switch is very strange. The original image should be convertable to PNG in a good enough quality. I do not really see the reason for using SVG for that kind of figure.

Some additional comments after looking at some random sections:

  • ATM-Initiated Cash-Out** <-- two stars (*) after section name
  • There seems to be two delays added in Figure 34, between "Payer fee is 1 USD in Payer FSP
    for ATM Cash-Out, total fee 2 USD" and "OTP is pre-generated", and similarly between "Validate OTP sent by Payee FSP, OTP OK" and "Reserve 102 USD from Payer account, 101 USD to Switch account, 1 USD to fee account". There should not be any delays. This seeems to be present in other figures as well (for example Figure 36, 46, 51, 52, 66). Please see the answer in how you can deactivate and then activate a lifeline (I can verify that it works).
  • There seems to be some extra whitespace in at least Figure 34 and 36 in "PUT /transfers/" between the "PUT /transfers/" and "".
  • Misspelling in Figure 36, "Generated OTP, "12345"" should be "Generate OTP, "12345""
  • Listing 12 is strange with double * instead of bold.
  •, "Alternative URI: PUT /parties/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}/error**" <-- double *
  • Regular Expression** <-- double **
  • Regular Expression** <-- double **
  • Regular Expression** <-- double **

Thanks @ehenrka , these issues are being addressed via PR: #45 (Henk a colleague is on it)


As discussed above, settled on SVG format (using tools such as, etc) for hand-drawn diagrams and plantuml for traditional sequence diagrams with some formatting (as discussed above)