moifort / generator-jhipster-bootstrap-material-design

Add material design to your JHipster application

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White page when running in production

williamrussell-grindr opened this issue · comments

I have a generic Monolith application from JHipster. The first thing I did was install Material Design.
However, when I run for production, it only displays a blank white page.

Any help?

  1. What's your JHipster console output display? In which profile did you run your application (dev, production, etc.)?
  2. What's your Chrome/Firefox/Other console output display?

Thanks for your response Moifort.
It does appear to be my setup when compiling for production.

  1. This does not display anything, just normal output.
  2. Safari Logs
  3. Attached youtube video showing an example (unlisted)
    Youtube Material Design Issue

bootstrap-material.config.js cannot find "compileServiceConfig"?

(function() {
'use strict';


    compileServiceConfig.$inject = [];

    function bootstrapMaterialDesignConfig() {





Im not sure if this is correct,
but I changed:
compileServiceConfig.$inject = [];
bootstrapMaterialDesignConfig.$inject = [];

And I get this error now.

Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module acmeSiteApp due to:
undefined is not an object (evaluating '$.material.init')

bootstrapMaterialDesignConfig.$inject = [];

plus clearing the cache seems to have fixed it.

letting you close this... in-case that line was wrong.

Cool! 👍 Have a nice coding!