mohsen12999 / CloudCustomers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cloud Customers

  • make solution: dotnet new sln -o CloudCustomers.
  • add git ignore file: dotnet new gitignore
  • add web api project: dotnet new webapi -o CloudCustomers.API
  • add unit test project: dotnet new xunit -o CloudCustomers.UnitTests
  • add all project to solution: dotnet sln add **/*.csproj or dotnet sln add .\CloudCustomers.API\CloudCustomers.API.csproj and dotnet sln add .\CloudCustomers.UnitTests\CloudCustomers.UnitTests.csproj
  • add moq and FluentAssertion library to test project




Language:C# 100.0%