mohitjain / githooks

My personal githooks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My personal githooks


  1. Catches common errors, such as checking in...
    1. git merge conflict markers
    2. personalized debugging statements
    3. Debugger calls
  2. Catches other suspicious code, such as calls to alert (very uncommon for me)
  3. Syntax-check all .rb files Temporarily deactivated
  4. Check for probable private key commits.
  5. Conditionally prevents accidental changes to .ruby-version (and .rbenv-version). Prevents these changes by default.
    • Run git config hooks.allowrubyversionchange true in a project directory to allow it for that particular project.
  6. Conditionally ensures that changes to assets are accompanied by a change to production.rb (required in my main work environment). Does not prevent these changes by default.
    • Run git config hooks.newassetsrequireproductionchange true in a project directory to prevent it for that particular project.

Bypassing the Checks

Call git commit with the --no-verify flag


Clone the repository locally, then run the setup script, passing the location of the repo that you want to add hooks to as an input argument:

git clone
cd (into the newly-created repository directory)
./ path_to_repo_that_you_want_to_add_hooks_to


My personal githooks


Language:Ruby 84.6%Language:Shell 15.4%