mohamednagy / Laravel-rating

Laravel package that allows you to rate, like & dislike and vote(+1,-1) your models with a simple and clear ways

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Incorrect Trait Doc References

cybercrowd opened this issue · comments

Trait references incorrect in documentation. (missing additional subdirectory)

For apply rating functionalities:
use Nagy\LaravelRating\Traits\Rate\CanRate;
use Nagy\LaravelRating\Traits\Vote\CanVote;
use Nagy\LaravelRating\Traits\Like\CanLike;

For rating functionalities:
use Nagy\LaravelRating\Traits\Rate\Rateable;
use Nagy\LaravelRating\Traits\Vote\Votable;
use Nagy\LaravelRating\Traits\Like\Likeable;

Also Likeabke used instead of Likeable in

include Likeabke trait to your model that will be likeabke
class Post extends Model { use Likeabke;