MoElsherbiny / online-storefront-

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Name

Storefront Backend


The company stakeholders want to create an online storefront to showcase their great product ideas. Users need to be able to browse an index of all products, see the specifics of a single product, and add products to an order that they can view in a cart page.


To install all of the packages in a pack.json, use npm install


npm run dev to run the server with nodemon package npm run build to configure Ts with JavaScript npm run format to check prettier npm run lint:fix to check for errors and, if possible, fix them npm run migrate-up try testing using one of the fantastic packages, Jasmine. npm run test


create your dev postgres database and your test postgres database here is the way to do that in command line or terminal CREATE DATABASE; CREATE DATABASE ..test..;

Then the Migrations work use npm run migrate-up or db-migrate up

try Endpoint FOR users

start with ///'/users', create) create new user with verifyAuthToken to use in others methods app.get('/users', verifyAuthToken, index)show all users app.get('/users/id', verifyAuthToken, show) get user by id'/users/login', authenticate)

try Endpoint FOR products

app.get('/products', index) show all products app.get('/products/:id', show) get product by id'/products', verifyAuthToken, create) create new product

try Endpoint FOR orders

app.get('/orders', index) show all orders app.get('/orders/:id', show) get order by id'/orders', create) create new order'/orders/:id/products', verifyAuthToken, addProduct) add product to order

Usage packages

npm install prettier
npm install ESLint
npm install helmet
npm install jasmine
npm install super-test
npm install morgan
npm install pg
npm install jsonwebtoken
npm install nodemon

Road map

I'd like to make this project more accessible to users on store shelves in case I need to expand on the concept. so that i added some security packages like morgan,helmet

Authors and acknowledgment

I admire Udacity's educational efforts in achieving this level of accomplishment, and I am proud to be a member of the Udacity team.

I also appreciate your interest in my project.


If you require further assistance, please contact me on Linkedin at


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.






Language:TypeScript 81.8%Language:JavaScript 18.2%