modrinth / minotaur

Gradle plugin for deploying build artifacts to Modrinth.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unknown 520 HTTP Error

sorae42 opened this issue · comments


Describe the bug

When trying to upload the file, after a few seconds, the task returned a 520 Error with unknown reason.

$ ./gradlew modrinth

> Configure project :
Fabric Loom: 1.0.17

> Task :modrinth
Minotaur: 2.6.0
Upload failed! Status: 520 Error: null Reason: null

> Task :modrinth FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':modrinth'.
> Failed to upload file to Modrinth! Upload failed! Status: 520 Error: null Reason: null

My Minotaur configuration:

modrinth {
    token = System.getenv("MODRINTH_TOKEN")
    projectId = '********'
    uploadFile = remapJar
    gameVersions = ['1.19.2']
    loaders = ['fabric']
    dependencies {
        required.project "fabric-api"
        required.project "geckolib"

Steps to reproduce

Try to upload a mod through Minotaur normally.

Expected behavior

Mod should be able to upload the file, or at least move on from this error.

Additional context

No response

Have you tried simply retrying? If retrying doesn't work, could you set debugMode=true and send the output?


Oops, sorry for the reopen. The problem only happens when it's trying to upload the mod.

Debug mode log:

Minotaur: 2.6.0
Full data to be sent for upload: {
  "project_id": "X6B1bVw1",
  "version_number": "1.0",
  "version_title": "1.0",
  "version_body": "No changelog was specified.",
  "release_channel": "release",
  "game_versions": [
  "loaders": [
  "dependencies": [
      "project_id": "P7dR8mSH",
      "dependency_type": "required"
      "project_id": "8BmcQJ2H",
      "dependency_type": "required"
  "file_parts": [
  "featured": false,
  "primary_file": "0"
Minotaur debug mode is enabled. Not going to upload this version.

Turning off debug mode still give the same error.

Sentry issue: LABRINTH-2N