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Datapacks packaged as Mods lose compression

catter1 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

When creating the datapack, the datapack owner of course has the option to package that datapack as a mod. While one would expect the mod to have a similar compressed file size as the datapack, this is not the case. Instead, the mod jar is the same size as an unzipped datapack (aka almost no compression).

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to Strayed Fates - this is where I noticed the bug.
  2. Hover over (or download) the latest datapack and mod version.
  3. Notice how the datapack is 2.27MiB, whilst the mod is 33.68MiB - almost 15 times as large as the datapack.

Expected behavior

I expect the mod versions of datapacks packaged on Modrinth to have more compression to them.

Additional context

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