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Using Moddermore with a a modpack runs afoul of your API rate-limiting policy, I think

allanonmage opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug


I'm getting an error 429 when trying to download a modpack that I made on Moddermore. I'm not sure how "big" ~350 mods is considered to be, but if the pack were less than 100 mods, I could have just kept using a spreadsheet like I was doing before you guys told me about Moddermore. So it seems to me that these tools are meant for larger packs, so this should be a supported use-case, not considered excessive.

Also, note that I am preferring Modrinth in my list because I like it better than Curseforge. I'm using Moddermore because a lot of things still haven't started dual-wielding Curseforge and Modrinth.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Try to download modpack
  2. It gets stuck (where in the list depends on the browser; Waterfox at 175, Vivaldi at 325.) because it gets an error 429

Expected behavior

Download the modpack w/o error 429.

Additional context

I love the fact that you guys refer to all these tools to make things, that's how I found out about Moddermore.

This is on Moddermore to fix, it is not hard to stay within the rate-limit if you're batching requests properly.