mockko / livereload

LiveReload applies CSS/JS changes to Safari or Chrome w/o reloading the page (and autoreloads the page when HTML changes)

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LiveReload Windows app sees changes, Firefox 4 and Chrome 11 do not update.

closetosomethingreal opened this issue · comments

Using a local file, Ruby 1.9.1, the changes are updated in the command line. Firefox and Chrome alike will not update even though the server is shown as connected in both the browser and the command line app. I am running Windows 7 x64, got the appropriate firewall notifications to unblock Ruby, and nothing I try is helping.

i have the same issue, in safari on the same system it works

Fo rme too... Safari works fine but Chrome 12.0.742.100 and FF 4.0.1 got no update.

Same issue. Windows XP. Chrome 12.0.742.30 beta. Firefox 5.0 beta. Ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18) [i386-mingw32].

I'm editing a simple index.html local file. The command-line log says Modified: index.html

Live.js doesn't seem to be working either. Hmm.

Update: This problem only occurs for me when using local files. If I run exactly the same project under Apache, everything works just fine (same goes for live.js).

I can confirm the same issue with Win7, Local Files and Chrome 12.

Same issue here with local files, LiveReload sees Chrome connect and detects files being updated but does not update the browser.

Google Chrome

OS X Snow Leopard


Here is my debug:

LiveReload is waiting for browser to connect.

  "GET /websocket HTTP/1.1\r\nUpgrade: WebSocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nHost: localhost:35729\r\nOrigin: chrome-extension://jnihajbhpnppcggbcgedagnkighmdlei\r\nSec-WebSocket-Key1: 3v8$ 5  029 P3@ 4 26[\\\r\nSec-WebSocket-Key2: 269(88 7 X  8  34 3\r\n\r\n(\2360\362\325\251\226n"]]

  "GET /websocket HTTP/1.1\r\nUpgrade: WebSocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nHost: localhost:35729\r\nOrigin: chrome-extension://jnihajbhpnppcggbcgedagnkighmdlei\r\nSec-WebSocket-Key1: 3v8$ 5  029 P3@ 4 26[\\\r\nSec-WebSocket-Key2: 269(88 7 X  8  34 3\r\n\r\n(\2360\362\325\251\226n"]]

  "HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake\r\nUpgrade: WebSocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Location: ws://localhost:35729/websocket\r\nSec-WebSocket-Origin: chrome-extension://jnihajbhpnppcggbcgedagnkighmdlei\r\n\r\n\274\022\274\b\t\304S\232`\367m\\V\344\244\202"]]

Browser connected.
[[:sending_text_frame, "!!ver:1.6"]]

[[:receive_data, "\000http://d7islandora1.kgbdev.local/node/1\377"]]

[[:message, "\000http://d7islandora1.kgbdev.local/node/1\377"]]

Browser URL: http://d7islandora1.kgbdev.local/node/1
Modified: screen.css