moby / buildkit

concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit

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support multiple exporters for build

tonistiigi opened this issue · comments

Eg. allow pushing and loading to local tarball with the same request.

moved from docker/buildx#316

hello @tonistiigi

I am looking on this and ready to help. Can you orient me please: I don't understand why you moved the issue to buildkit. I saw that the logic is bloqued by this return :

thank you again

@fahedouch The problem is that if you would remove this return in buildx it would just fail in the next lines because buildkit doesn't support this case yet. Eg. and then the field currently used by API doesn't even take an array .

any updates on this?

is there any workaround?
what about a command of tag and push like we had with docker?

in our case, what's happening is that when we wanted to push to another tag/output,
we have to use bake/build so that it will push to another output. but then, something invalidates the cache and some steps are being rebuilt. as a result, a push phase can take as much time as the build.

Nothing invalidates the cache for me so its really quick to export, I've created another step where I split into two more containers, one for export and one for interactive docker to use. That's the workaround.

Now in my docker file I have two extra lines like this:

FROM scratch AS file_to_export
COPY --from=os_img /file/to/export /

Then I just have the docker builds with the necessary outputs needed:

# --output=type=docker   -> interactive use, mostly to be able to use "docker run" command
# --output=type=registry -> a place where the image can be cached so that we can load it
# --output=type=local,dest=output -> save the entire docker image/file from docker to disk

and of course I tag the images differently too, and I use os_img with the docker export and the new file_to_export as the local file output.

Please share the script you use and specify the output types.
I don't understand what is your workaround exactly.

run: build
        # Interactive container
	docker buildx build $(FLAGS) --target silly_name_run --tag some_tag --output=type=docker --cache-from=type=registry,ref=$(PREFIX):build .
	docker run --privileged -p 8080:8080 -it some_tag /bin/bash
img: build
        # Output container
	docker buildx build $(FLAGS) --target silly_name_export -o type=local,dest=output --cache-from=type=registry,ref=$(PREFIX):build .
build: some other prequisites
        docker buildx build $(FLAGS) --target silly_build_$@ --output=type=registry --tag $(PREFIX):$@ --cache-from=type=registry,ref=$(PREFIX):$@ --cache-to=type=registry,ref=$(PREFIX):$@,mode=max .