mobxjs / mobx-angular

The MobX connector for Angular.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Looking for maintainers

adamkleingit opened this issue · comments

Although this library is very small and simple, it still needs a little bit of attention here and there.

If there's anyone from the community that's willing to step up, we would be happy to add you to the MobX organization. Just reply to this issue

Tagging @EVASIVE @OmerGronich @SimonTouitou @kubk @nunocastromartins in case it's relevant for you

@adamkleingit I would love to help maintain this library however I can, love it and use it everyday. 👍

Same goes here.
Mobx is my preferred state management lib.
I'll help as much as I can.

@OmerGronich @SimonTouitou cool!

Let me see how we can add you to Github and NPM so you can push code / approve PRs / publish versions

@adamkleingit I would be glad to help as well.

@mweststrate - can you add these amazing fellas to the organization? Thanks

@OmerGronich @SimonTouitou @EVASIVE please send your NPM users as well so you can help publish new versions


Sorry for the late follow up folks! Was on holiday so didn't have elevated access :). Invite have been send. Note that I don't have npm access, so that needs to be granted by @adamkleingit (npm owner add tgate mobx-angular etc)

@EVASIVE @SimonTouitou sent invite to join the organization on npm (500tech). Once you approve I'll give you access to the package

@OmerGronich @SimonTouitou @EVASIVE please send your NPM users as well so you can help publish new versions
