mobxjs / mobx-angular

The MobX connector for Angular.

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New Mobx version

nicolidin opened this issue · comments

As Mobx is now in 6.0.1, this repository should add in the ReadMe and in the examples (should update mobx version) makeObservable(this) or makeAutoObservable(this) (if no decorators) in the constructor. If decorators is used "useDefineForClassFields": true should be added to in tsconfig.json too.

(if you validate I can create the pr)

@nicolidin care to make a PR?
That would be very helpful for the repo and the community. Thanks!

@adamkleingit I am also faced with inconsistence of mobx-angular example and mobx documentation, so I created PR with these changes

Thanks @EVASIVE, This has been merged (#138).