mobxjs / mobx-angular

The MobX connector for Angular.

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Support for NG 9

juan-fdz-hawa opened this issue · comments


Excellent work with mobx-angular!

I was wondering if there are any plans for supporting NG 9 soon? If nothing is planned ATM, maybe I can help you guys with that :)?


Hi @juan-fdz-hawa
I am using mobx-angular extensively on production (with NG 7) and on a pet project with NG 9 (release candidate, because it is not released yet) and didn't encounter any issues. But feel free to test it on your own and report any issues.

Hi @adamkleingit
Travis CI supports build matrix to test a package against different environments, node versions, set of dependencies, etc:
We can test mobx-angular against different angular versions on CI. What are your thoughts on it?

Updating from 3.0.1 to 3.0.3 solved the issue, thanks!

@kubk that's a fantastic idea. Do you want to create a PR for this?

@adamkleingit Sure, I'll create a PR as soon as I have the time. Thank you.