moaipool / Submit-API-Registry

Freeloaderz SPOs and their associated submit API URL.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Freeloaderz SPOs and their associated submit API URL. When submitting a pull request please add your information in the following format:

"Pool_Ticker": { "links": [ 
        { "url": "", "location": "US - East" },
        { "url": "", "location": "UK" },
        { "url": "", "location": "Spain" }
      ] }

You can add one or many links. At least one tx will be submitted as a test prior to merge.

Don't forget to add a comma to the end of the entry before your addition.

To make the merge process as smooth as possible, please allow for approvers to edit the PR.

Step 1 (Fork the FREELOADERZ registration repo): Go to and login with your account. Navigate to the FreeLoaderz registration Repo and fork it.


Step 2 (Add your Pool submit-API info):

After the repo has been forked in your namespace click on the spo-links file. image

Click edit image

Add your Pool Submit-API into the json list (Use Copy-paste) from one of the other entries to copy the Json format easily. image

After you added all your information to the list click commit image

Step 3 (Create your pull request):

Click on “Contribute --> Open Pull Request” image

“Create Pull Request” image

Give a name and confirm


Freeloaderz SPOs and their associated submit API URL.