mo-thunderz / lfo

LFO for Arduino that can be free-running, or synced to a master-clock.

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[QUESTION] problem with DACSIZE

othmar52 opened this issue · comments

First of all: thank you very much for this library!
I use it for a vibrato feature for an eurorack keyboard

it works perfectly for sine and square wave but i did not manage to get saw and triangle applied to my note pitch.

Disclaimer: i am not an electronic engineer nor an expert C++ programmer. I just play around with informations i find in the web.

in my cuircuit i have an Arduino Uno with a MCP4821 (12-Bit Single Output DAC with SPI)
based on this line i assume that it's DACSIZE is 4096 for sending 0V to 5V

when i use lfo lfo_class(4096); your lfo gets perfectly added to my base note pitch for waves sine & square but nothing gets added for waves saw nor triangle

in your instructions i found

Reduce the DACSIZE to 256

when i use lfo lfo_class(256); your lfo works perfectly for all 4 waves. but unfortunately my other code for sending the "base pitch" (the lfo should oscillate around) does not work at all.

do you think i have to find the reason in my code or is it possible that you have some kind of limitation in your library (saw+triangle not compatlble to DACSIZE 4096)?

@mo-thunderz i managed to get my sketch to work with 2 dacsizes
256 for your lfo
4096 for my note pitch

by dividing and multiplying some values with 16 everything seems to work now...

I figured out that my workaround is pretty bad
due to the low resolution of DACSIZE 256 the lfo generated output signal sounds pretty bad (more like a sample & hold) on very low frequencies.
@mo-thunderz do you have any idea how to solve this?

Sorry for my late reply, I have been pretty loaded at work. I have tried my code on all platforms I have laying around here (Arduino Mega, Arduino Due) and it works fine. However, I did not have an Uno free at the moment. To figure out if it is the DAC or the library I uploaded a simple test code so that you can check if the code works on the Uno. Can you upload this code to your Uno and look at the serial interface:
This will simply print the waveform to the serial port. By setting lfo_waveform you can change the waveform. For a saw wave (lfo_waveform = 1), the code will print something like this:
You can see that the value starts close to 4096 and goes down linearly to 0. If this is the case on your system as well, then you know that that at least is working. Another problem you could have in your code is that you have defined an amplitude offset, or that you have reduced the amplitude. As such pls make sure that these parameters are set correctly:
lfo_class.setAmpl(DACSIZE-1); // set amplitude to maximum
lfo_class.setAmplOffset(0); // no offset to the amplitude
lfo_class.setMode(0); // set sync mode to mode0 -> no sync to BPM

Good luck with the code!

Dear othmar52, I have another question related to the problem you are seeing. Do you see the problem for both the free-running mode (_mode = 0) and the synced mode (_mode = 1)?

@mo-thunderz thank you for your reply!
the problem with saw & triangle is in both modes

the serial output of /LFO_example_no_dac explains somehow why it isn't working on my Arduino Uno:

4096 4096 4096 4096 256 256 256 256
1: saw 2: triangle 3: sine 4:square 1: saw 2: triangle 3: sine 4:square
7 2 4094 4094 -2 2 254 254
1 3 3950 4094 -17 32 245 254
-4 7 3539 4094 -32 63 219 254
6 3 2919 4094 -48 94 181 254
0 0 2177 4094 -63 124 135 254
-5 5 1416 4094 -78 102 87 254
4 6 744 4094 -94 71 46 254
-2 1 254 4094 -109 40 15 254
-6 2 16 4094 -124 10 1 254
3 5 63 0 117 19 3 0
-2 1 388 0 102 50 24 0
7 3 946 0 87 80 58 0
2 7 1658 0 71 111 102 0
-3 3 2425 0 56 115 150 0
6 1 3139 0 40 84 194 0
0 5 3699 0 25 54 229 0
-4 6 4028 0 10 23 249 0
5 4 4078 4094 -7 12 253 254
0 0 3844 4094 -22 42 238 254
-6 4 3357 4094 -37 73 208 254
4 7 2686 4094 -53 104 166 254
-1 2 1926 4094 -68 122 119 254
-7 1 1183 4094 -83 92 73 254
2 6 560 4094 -99 61 34 254
-2 5 147 4094 -114 30 9 254

i am going to debug this within the next few days.
obviously the amplitude ends up far to low in the calculation
maybe i am able to find the reason and fix it myself

EDIT i also added serial output of all 4 waves with DACSIZE 256 within /LFO_example_no_dac

fixed in e79daaf
thank you!