mnhauke / LibreMines

A Qt5 based Minesweeper game with options to create customized fields, dark mode, keyboard controller gameplay and other things!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


LibreMines is a Free/Libre and Open Source software Minesweeper clone available for GNU/Linux and FreeBSD systems.

The source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License at version 3 (or any later version), this includes all files inside the src directory. The artworks are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International, this includes all files on the share directory.

Installing from Package Manager

LibreMines is available on the Arch User Repository. With yay it can be installed with:

yay -S libremines

Installing from the source code

Installation Dependencies

The following dependencies are required for building and running LibreMines:

Note: Qt6 is also supported

On Arch Linux and derivatives systems the dependencies can be installed with pacman:

sudo pacman -S base-devel qt5-base qt5-svg cmake

For Ubuntu you can install the dependencies with the following command:

sudo apt-get install build-essential qt5-default cmake libqt5svg5-dev

On FreeBSD systems, install the packages qt5-core, qt5-widgets, qt5-svg, git and cmake

su -
pkg install qt5-core qt5-widgets qt5-svg git cmake

For others systems, check the qt online installers or your preferred package manager.


In order to build LibreMines from the source code, follow those steps:

git clone
cd LibreMines
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..

You can also get a stable release from here.

Note that the option CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX determines the target directory of the installation. If you want to install LibreMines using Qt6 libraries, additionally pass the argument -DUSE_QT6="YES" on the fourth step (the cmake part).

The executable libremines will be generated in the build directory, now it is possible to run it with:


Installing on the system

At least, if you want install LibreMines on your system, use the following command:

sudo make install

How to play

First Steps

When you initialize the application, you will face this screen:

Here you can start to play one of the predefined game modes -- easy, medium and hard --, or you can customize the field the way that you want to play. Select one of those options and you will be ready to start. (Note the options on the upper left of the screen).

You will start the timer of the new game when you release the first cell, you can play with your mouse or with your keyboard.

Playing with the mouse

  • Left Click: release the cell which the mouse is pointing on;
  • Right Click: flag/unflag the cell which the mouse is pointing on.

Playing with the keyboard

For activate the keyboard controller mode, press one of the following keys: A|S|D|W

  • Escape: Exit keyboard controller mode;

  • A: Move Current Cell Left;

  • S: Move Current Cell Downwards;

  • D: Move Current Cell Right;

  • W: Move Current Cell Upwards;

  • O: Release Current Cell;

  • P: Flag/Unflag Current Cell;

If you do not feel comfortable with those keys, you can edit them going to the main menu, then Options > Preferences.

Tip: hold the Control Key while moving to move faster.


All kinds of contributions are welcome on this project. You can help:

  • Making artworks (SVG) for minefield themes and new faces reaction;
  • Documenting the source code and making tutorials of the game;
  • Sharing the game in order to attract more users;
  • Adapting the software for other Operational Systems;
  • Packaging the software for other distributions;
  • Increasing the playability and adding new features by making changes on the source code.


A Qt5 based Minesweeper game with options to create customized fields, dark mode, keyboard controller gameplay and other things!

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 96.7%Language:CMake 3.3%