mnelson4 / printmyblog

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Custom job for Patrick Boch on Cyberprotection mag

mnelson4 opened this issue · comments


  • walk through sample and identify doable, hard and impossible items
  • create plugin repo

Features to do

Title Page

  • logo on front page, no margins
  • issue number and year metadata placed on first page
  • no content in margins of first page
  • call-out banner --> might not be needed


  • frontpage has image but with selectable text. Is having that text selectable important? If so, will he provide a text-less image, then put some position:relative words in it each time? (In which case, just use a custom print material title page with custom CSS to reposition content) --> ignore for now, maybe important later
  • what fonts? --> asked for font file


  • Issue number as month and year
  • Part titles have underlines leading to title, no page number
  • page numbers then title, and a sub-title
  • horizontal line, then QR code blurb
  • vertical line, then darker sidebar

Normal pages

  • no part pages, but use part in top margin
  • page number, magazine name, and issue number


  • title
  • subtitle
  • "author xxx . photo xxx"
  • where photo credit come from? --> postmeta "pmb_photo_credit"
  • featured image (immediately after stuff (1st), at the bottom of page bleeding into margin (2nd), before title (3rd), or none (page 13).. different template options good)
  • quotes can sometimes be bumped to a page edge
  • icon at the end of the article
  • subtitles have line above them (eg page 10) that goes most of the way--> "pmb_subtitle" postmeta
  • when showing author, show image, then gray box slightly behind, text bumped to the right a bit, then title at the top and bio --> use postmeta "pmb_hide_author_bio" to hide the author's bio in the project; otherwise its shown as normal.
  • some images are inline, some are floated. CSS classes would probably decide that best, and not affect online version --> use new "pmb-snap"
  • featured image to purposefully overflow into margins: use transform: translate(-100px, 100px) scale(3) on the image, but then need to deal with footer overlap. Footer could have a white background? z-index to hide footer didn't work. Maybe use a different @page rule to hide the footer on those pages? (but only the first one, not subsequents)


  • page 5 combines a photo and a quote (different on the website: Want that? Probably best to do with another plugin. --> not needed
  • page 10: has big numbers of pages in the magazine, but regular numbers in post. That could be achieved with a drop cap. Is that ok? --> they'll use dropcaps, might need help
  • first article is by "editor's desk" but has no author area (and the editor author is an actual user); whereas second article has an editor. So do we show author except editor? --> yes, editor appears different
  • advertisement at the bottom of page 12, below author area. It could be content in the post that's hidden online; or a separate article but that would make a weird exception to the usual behaviour --> use CSS or shortcodes to hide from post
  • page 15's author section is different because it has less space. That could be decided by a postmeta/custom field. Sound good? --> probably just one author section type, but might change mind

Last Page

  • fullpage imgae background --> use section template "fullpage no margin", and add an image of the right size
  • CSS class to have a box float to bottom right of page, fill with whatever content they want
  • no header or footer

Don't Forget

  • credits section (sample has a sidebar beside the TOC, but Patrick might want it elsewhere)

Can't Do

  • Page 6 has a quote that's mid-column. I don't think that's possible.

  • video chat with Patrick showing how to modify content for print