mmatyas / openblok

A customizable, cross platform, open-source falling block game, packed with a bunch of features.

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Music can't be randomized

IndigoGems opened this issue · comments

I have more than 1 and it's choosing one but does not alternate between the other songs.

Hi, sorry for the late reply. Do you mean that when you start a game, a random song is selected and that keeps playing without change? Yes, at the moment that's how it works, but perhaps in the future an option for randomizing while playing could be added.

Or you mean when you start a game it's always the same song that gets selected? This doesn't seem to happen to me, but I'm asking just in case.

The in-game music plays only one song. It seems to choose only one of the set of music and keeps playing that one.

Since @mmatyas wasn't able to replicate the issue, I suggest you check the file names of the songs you have introduced. Maybe the game isn't able to select other songs because they have special characters, or even weird UNICODE characters.

PS:How do you change the game's music? I've never tinkered with it

@comslime Is it always the same music? Ie. when you restart the program or start a new game, it is always exactly the same music playing? There is no music change during the gameplay, but there is a random selection when you start a new game.

@PinkDev1 you can put music into data/themes/[themename]/music/[musiccategory]/, then one of them will be randomly selected when you start a game or go to the menu. It should be Unicode-friendly, but feel free to report if you run into troubles.

I put music in

music/gameplay (6 items that only have UpperLowercase English letters and numbers. All MP3)
music/menu (Same with gameplay. 1 OGG, 6 MP3)

It's always the same. I'm really confused.

Just to make sure, so out of the 7 music files, one and only one is played every time (let's call it X.mp3), in every game even after restarting OpenBlok, and the other 6 files have never ever been played in game. Is this correct? Is this file the default gameplay.ogg file?

For both gameplay and menu yes. I've tried the Puyo Puyo theme and got the same result.