mmaaz60 / mvits_for_class_agnostic_od

[ECCV'22] Official repository of paper titled "Class-agnostic Object Detection with Multi-modal Transformer".

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Loading the Faster RCNN checkpoint

MartinPedersenpp opened this issue · comments


The readme states:
(Feb 01, 2022)
Training codes for MDef-DETR and MDef-DETR minus Language models are released -> training/
Instructions to use class-agnostic object detection behavior of MDef-DETR on different applications are released -> applications/
All the pretrained models (MDef-DETR, Def-DETR, MDETR, DETReg, Faster-RCNN, RetinaNet, ORE, and others), along with the instructions to reproduce the results are released -> this link

Following the link to the google drive, only provides me with the model weight for the Faster-RCNN, but not with instructions on how to load it and which framework to use.
I have tried creating a Faster-RCNN-resnet101 model with pytorch, but when I load the model weight, it states that the layer names does not match.
Any guidance would be much appreciated.

Best regards

Hi @MartinPedersenpp,

Thank you for your interest in our work. We used Detectron2 platform for training our Faster-RCNN and RatinaNet models. We provide models with standard C4 and FPN backbones with R101 as feature extractor. All the configs are available at detectron2 configs. Note that we train our models for 1x schedule only.

Please let me know if you face any difficulty or have any questions. Thanks