mm1327 / tensorrt-zoo

openpose, yolov3 with tiny-tensorrt

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


common computer vision models and some useful tools base on tiny-tensorrt.


This project will not update with latest tiny-tensorrt, and I don't have much time maintain this repo, if you have any issue while modify this project with openpose and yolov3, please try dig into source code by your self, I don't remenber the details too :D


  • openpose 🔥🔥🔥 --- 2019.10.17
  • yolov3
  • find some interesting things can done with tiny tensorrt 💃💃💃

Quick Start

for run sample you need to install opencv and TensorRT

git clone --recursive
mkdir build && cd build && cmake -D PYTHON_API ON .. && make

for yolo3 sample see docs/ for openpose sample see docs/

System requirements

CUDA version >= 10.0 is fully test

TensorRT 6.0+, 5.x you need to reset old commit(not recommend)

OPENCV version >= 3.0, only use for read/write images and some basic image processing. so version 2.x might work but have not been tested.

About License

most of the openpose post processing was copy and modify slightly from official openpose repo,maybe you should distribute it under openpose's license, so as for some other code. for the other I wrote, You just DO WHAT YOU WANT TO.


openpose, yolov3 with tiny-tensorrt


Language:Cuda 69.5%Language:C++ 29.6%Language:CMake 0.9%