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R interface to torchvision

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dominikj2 opened this issue · comments


Hi @dfalbel ,

Is it possible to have an R Torch version of torchvision.ops (operators for Computer Vision).

p.s. I am particularly interested in torchvision.ops.roi_align.

I'd be interested in learning to help get these operators available in R Torch if provided with some guidance. I have python and R programming background but no C++. Willing to learn C++ on the task if its a small set of tasks that needs repetition for each operator. Not sure if my proposition sounds helpful.

Currently this is not possible. This is something I'll be working on after the next release of torch.

I will let you know hot it goes, but I think at least the first iteration to implement this is quite complicated. I don't have yet clear on my mind how this should work.

To unblock you, one thing that you could do is to add the code from roi_align into torch. The approach would be similar to:


Yes, you did for me and I thought that integrating roi_align could be implemented with a similar approach.

Do you have resources that I could learn from to apply this approach? I would like to start learning and hopefully contribute more. Maybe (if it's not a hassle for you) next time you do something similar to, I would love to do a zoom meeting with recorded screen share showing the process? Only if it doesn't slow you down. I'm not sure how much of the process follows a "template" and "standard procedure" and how much of it is very unique to each torchvision.op. Anyway keep me in mind as I want to learn and contribute.


Hi @dfalbel,

I spent much of the day learning JIT, LibTorch distribution, and Torch Script ( tracing and annotation). Well done with JIT tracing for Torch! Is you next plan to develop ScriptModule for control flow capabilities and more (i.e. torch.jit.script) ?

Quick question, when R Torch has torch.jit.script capabilities, will that mean all/most pytorch torchvision.op can be converted to Torch Script and loaded into R Torch using JIT? Would this effectively automate the procedure that you undertook to put sort_vertices in contrib (i.e. building C++ application using CMake and LibTorch for the contrib.op)?