mlms13 / Navtacular

A horizontal navigation bar with menus that doesn't depend on Javascript for core functionality.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Transition: left doesn't work in Firefox

stezu opened this issue · comments

If you add and remove the left style in the inspector, it animates. But if you use it like a normal person would, the menu doesn't animate into place. It may have something to do with the added class on the html element? I put a div container around everything and transitioned that and it behaved the same, so it's not because we're moving the body. This is in Firefox 26 on Windows and Mac.

The problem is caused by an overflow-x: hidden on the html element here: This will probably need some digging to find a fix for firefox.

This is a bug in firefox that's existed for 3 years now. See here. There doesn't seem to be a fix, so I'm closing this and hoping that some day firefox will get their shit together.

Dang, nice sleuthing.