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Microsites in website search results need a resource type

varnum opened this issue · comments

Microsites show up without a 'type', so aren't represented in filters. See, e.g.,, in which there are two results, with only one represented in the filter:
screen shot 2017-10-23 at 2 12 49 pm

This is a feature request, not a bug. Microsites wasn't asked to be a type based on the spec:


  • Webpages
  • Exhibits and Events
  • Blogs and Blog Posts
  • Research Guides
  • Staff Directory / People

From spec:

This is a task for @bertrama to make available to the UI.

Does our internal name microsites make sense to use as a UI label? Or would webpages or something else make more sense here? @heidisb

Nope. Definitely doesn't make sense as a UI label. My assumption is that they would be part of the Website type. They are really an extension of the primary website.

Adding them to the "Website" resource type is fine with me.

Moved to SEARCH-75.