ml-tooling / opyrator

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Finalize zip-file export capabilities

LukasMasuch opened this issue · comments

Feature description:

Finalize capabilities to package and export a compatible function into a self-contained zip-file.

The export can be executed via command line:

opyrator export my_opyrator:hello_world

This exported zip-file packages relevant source code and data artifacts into a single file which can be shared, stored, and used for launching the API or UI.

External requirements are automatically discovered from the working directory based on the following files: Pipfile (Pipenv environment), environment.yml (Conda environment), pyproject.toml (Poetry dependencies), requirements.txt (PIP requirements), (Python project requirements), packages.txt (apt-get packages), or discovered via pipreqs as fallback. However, external requirements are only included as instructions and are not packaged into the ZIP file. If you want to export your Opyrator fully self-contained including all requirements or even the Python interpreter itself, please refer to the Docker or PEX export options.

As a side note, Opyrators exported as ZIP files are (mini) Python libraries that can be pip-installed, imported, and used from other Python code:

pip install

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This issue is stale because it has been open 90 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 14 days