mkrapp / cookiecutter-reproducible-science

boilerplate for reproducible and transparent science

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Feature Request: List Differences from -data-science

mikezawitkowski opened this issue · comments

The right now starts with (bold emphasis mine):

A boilerplate for reproducible and transparent science with close resemblances to the philosophy of Cookiecutter Data Science: ...

I would find it very helpful if you could list out what the key differences are between this cookiecutter and the cookiecutter-data-science repo. (

I've been thinking of making my own cookiecutter that fits more with my workflow than cookiecutter-data-science but you may have already made the changes that make the original repo a little clunky to me. It's not easy to tell from your documentation though..


Good idea. I'll add a visual for the directory structure, similar to the one provided in the of the cookie cutter-data-science