mkopylec / charon-spring-boot-starter

Reverse proxy implementation in form of a Spring Boot starter.

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existing "X-Forwarded-For" causes crash

tlzxsun opened this issue · comments

if there already has a "X-Forwarded-For" header, then in

void rewriteHeaders(HttpHeaders headers, URI uri, Consumer<HttpHeaders> headersSetter) {
        HttpHeaders rewrittenHeaders = copyHeaders(headers);
        List<String> forwardedFor = rewrittenHeaders.get(X_FORWARDED_FOR);
        if (isEmpty(forwardedFor)) {
            forwardedFor = new ArrayList<>(1);
        rewrittenHeaders.put(X_FORWARDED_FOR, forwardedFor);
        rewrittenHeaders.set(X_FORWARDED_PROTO, uri.getScheme());
        rewrittenHeaders.set(X_FORWARDED_HOST, uri.getHost());
        rewrittenHeaders.set(X_FORWARDED_PORT, resolvePort(uri));
        log.debug("Request headers rewritten from {} to {}", headers, rewrittenHeaders);

it will add "uri.getAuthority()" for a Collections.UnmodifiableRandomAccessList which will cause unsupportedOperationException

public boolean add(E e) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

the full route is from ReverseProxyFilter.doFilterInternal->>RequestEntity(T body, MultiValueMap<String, String> headers, HttpMethod method, URI url, Type type)->

public HttpEntity(T body, MultiValueMap<String, String> headers) {
		this.body = body;
		HttpHeaders tempHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
		if (headers != null) {
		this.headers = HttpHeaders.readOnlyHttpHeaders(tempHeaders);

Hi, thanks for spotting the bug and fixing it!
The build has failed thus, I'll investigate what's going on

There is already a test that checks this use case. The test is passing in both, webmvc and webflux modules. The list is not unmodifiable, it is a java.util.LinkedList. What Spring version are you using?
Paste your Charon configuration.


SpringBoot I am using is 1.4.3, after check the git history I found the issue. In newer versions, RestTemplate copies existing requestHeaders values instead of using the original collections.
The detail can be found in this commit.
Thanks for your time, this library is great~

Fixed in 4.6.0.
BTW I thought Charon won't work with Spring Boot 1+ but you're saying that you use Charon with Spring Boot 1.4.3. Well, that's good I guess.

Fixed in 4.6.0.
BTW I thought Charon won't work with Spring Boot 1+ but you're saying that you use Charon with Spring Boot 1.4.3. Well, that's good I guess.

It's better than good😁,it's great~