mkkellogg / GaussianSplats3D

Three.js-based implementation of 3D Gaussian splatting

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How to change "controller" to first-person perspective

ooyac1 opened this issue · comments

Thank you very much for your work, it's been very helpful.

However, I'd like to change the controller to a first-person perspective. I've tried a few attempts but they've all failed. Currently, only the 'OrbitControls' mode is available. I would like to use a controller similar to 'PointerLockControls' or 'FirstPersonControls' found in Three.js. I hope to expand the interface for future work.

Thank you once again for your work; it's truly great.

Others have had issues attempting to do this same thing, but I think they were eventually successful. Can you read through this thread to see if it helps: #211 ?

Great, this method worked successfully. Thank you very much.