mkafonso / go-verify

A Golang schema validation toolkit that takes inspiration from - because who doesn't love a good source of inspiration? πŸ‘€

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This open-source project is a schema validation toolkit inspired by Feel free to use and modify it for any purpose. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you!


Getting started

Add the package to your project using the following command:

go get

Import the package in your project:

import (

Once you've added the package and imported it into your project, you can start using the schema validation toolkit for your specific needs.

String Validation

In this section, we'll explore the fundamental usage of the schema validation toolkit for strings using the go-verify package. You'll learn how to create a schema and perform various string validations.

In the first example, we create a string schema using z.NewStringSchema() and attempt to parse the string "Luna." Since "Luna" is a valid string, no error is expected.

// Create a schema for string
schema := z.NewStringSchema()
result, err := schema.Parse("Luna")

In the second example, we again create a string schema. This time, we attempt to parse the value 42 as a string. Since 42 is not a valid string, we expect an error with the custom error message provided.

// Expect an error when the string is invalid and return a custom error message
schema := z.NewStringSchema()
result, err := schema.Parse(42, "Custom error message")

In the third example, we use the same schema to parse a non-string value (42) and expect an error. The provided custom error messages are checked in order, and the first one is returned in the error message.

// Expect an error when the string is invalid and return the first custom error message
schema := z.NewStringSchema()
result, err := schema.Parse(42, "First custom error message", "Second custom error message")

In the next example, we create a string schema and use the Min method to check the length of the string. We expect the string to be at least 2 characters long, and if it's not, a custom error message will be returned.

// Check the string length with the Min Method
schema := z.NewStringSchema()
result, err := schema.Min(2, "length must be at least 2 characters").Parse("Luna")

Similarly, in the following example, we use the Max method to ensure that the string does not exceed a length of 10 characters. If it does, a custom error message is returned.

// Check the string length with the Max Method
schema := z.NewStringSchema()
result, err := schema.Max(10, "length must not exceed 10 characters").Parse("Luna")

In the penultimate example, we check whether the string is a valid email address using the Email method. If the string is not a valid email, a custom error message is provided.

// Check if the string is a valid email address
schema := z.NewStringSchema()
result, err := schema.Email("custom error message").Parse("")

Finally, you can combine multiple validation methods to perform various checks on the string. In this example, we first check the string's length and then verify if it's a valid email address. If any validation fails, the respective custom error message is returned.

// Combine methods
schema := z.NewStringSchema()
result, err := schema.Min(100, "length custom error").Email("email error message").Parse("")

Number Validation

In this section, we'll explore how to create a schema for numbers using the go-verify package and perform various numeric validations.

To start, we create a numeric schema using z.NewNumberSchema() and attempt to parse the number 42.5. Since 42.5 is a valid number, no error is expected.

// Create a schema for numbers
schema := z.NewNumberSchema()
result, err := schema.Parse(42.5)

In this example, we once again create a number schema, but this time, we attempt to parse the value "Hi" as a number. Since "Hi" is not a valid number, we expect an error with the custom error message provided.

// Expect an error when the number is invalid and return a custom error message
schema := z.NewNumberSchema()
result, err := schema.Parse("Hi", "Custom error message")

Struct Validation

In this section, we'll explore how to perform validation on Go structs using the go-verify package. This allows you to validate and parse data into structured Go types, such as the Person struct defined in the example.

In the first example, we define a Person struct with Name and Age fields. We then create a map containing valid data for a person. We use z.ParseStruct to parse the data into a Person struct. Since the data is valid and matches the struct's structure, no error is expected.

// Define a Person struct
type Person struct {
  Name string `json:"name"`
  Age  int    `json:"age"`

// Valid Data Example
data := map[string]interface{}{
  "name": "Alice",
  "age":  30,

person := Person{}
err := z.ParseStruct(data, &person)

In the second example, we provide data with a missing age field. We attempt to parse this data into a Person struct. Because the data is missing a required field, we expect an error.

// Missing Field Example
data := map[string]interface{}{
  "name": "Bob",

person := Person{}
err := z.ParseStruct(data, &person)

The third example demonstrates an attempt to assign an invalid data type to the age field. We provide a string as the age value when it should be an integer. An error is expected in this case.

// Invalid Field Type (age)
data := map[string]interface{}{
  "name": "Charlie",
  "age":  "invalid-type",

person := Person{}
err := z.ParseStruct(data, &person)

In the final example, we intentionally use the wrong reference for z.ParseStruct. Instead of passing &person to capture the result in the person variable, we mistakenly use person without the reference. This is an incorrect usage of the function and will result in an error.

// Example of an Invalid Target (Wrong Reference)
data := map[string]interface{}{
  "name": "David",
  "age":  25,

person := Person{}
err := z.ParseStruct(data, person)

Enum Validation

In this section, we'll explore how to use the schema validation toolkit for validating values against a set of allowed enum options. We will create an enum schema and validate values for case-insensitive enum options.

In the first test, we create an enum schema using z.NewEnumSchema("apple", "banana") and attempt to parse the value "apple." Since "apple" is one of the valid enum options, the result is expected to be true.

// Create an enum schema with enum options "apple" and "banana"
schema := z.NewEnumSchema("apple", "banana")
result := schema.Parse("apple")

In the second test, we again use the same schema to parse the value "BANANA," this time in uppercase. The enum options are case-insensitive, so the result is still expected to be true.

// Check if enum options are case-insensitive
schema := z.NewEnumSchema("apple", "banana")
result := schema.Parse("BANANA")

In the third test, we attempt to parse the value "yellow," which is not one of the valid enum options. We expect the result to be false.

// Expect an error when the value is not a valid enum option
schema := z.NewEnumSchema("apple", "banana")
result := schema.Parse("yellow")

In the fourth test, we retrieve the list of valid enum options using the schema.EnumList() function and compare it with the expected list.

// Get the list of valid enum options
schema := z.NewEnumSchema("apple", "banana")
result := schema.EnumList()

expectedList := []string{"apple", "banana"}


In this section, we'll explore how coercion works using the go-verify package. Coercion allows you to convert data of one type into another type as needed.

  • In the first example, we coerce the data into a string, and it remains the same since it's already a string.
  • In the second example, we coerce the numeric value 12 into a string "12."
  • In the third example, we coerce the boolean value true into the string "true."
// Coercing data into strings
schema := z.NewCoerceSchema()
result, err := schema.String().Parse("Luna") // Result is the string "Luna"

schema := z.NewCoerceSchema()
result, err := schema.String().Parse(12) // Result is the string "12"

schema := z.NewCoerceSchema()
result, err := schema.String().Parse(true) // Result is the string "true"
  • The first three examples demonstrate coercion of various string values into boolean types. "Luna," "true," and "FalSe" are all successfully coerced into true as they are considered truthy values. An empty string and nil are coerced into false.
  • In the following examples, numeric values (1 and 0) and boolean values (true and false) are coerced into booleans according to their truthiness.
// Coercing data into booleans
schema := z.NewCoerceSchema()
result, err := schema.Bool().Parse("Luna") // Result is `true`

schema := z.NewCoerceSchema()
result, err := schema.Bool().Parse("true") // Result is `true`

schema := z.NewCoerceSchema()
result, err := schema.Bool().Parse("FalSe") // Result is `true`

schema := z.NewCoerceSchema()
result, err := schema.Bool().Parse("") // Result is `false`

schema := z.NewCoerceSchema()
result, err := schema.Bool().Parse(nil) // Result is `false`

schema := z.NewCoerceSchema()
result, err := schema.Bool().Parse(1) // Result is `true`

schema := z.NewCoerceSchema()
result, err := schema.Bool().Parse(0) // Result is `false`

schema := z.NewCoerceSchema()
result, err := schema.Bool().Parse(false) // Result is `false`

schema := z.NewCoerceSchema()
result, err := schema.Bool().Parse(true) // Result is `true`


A Golang schema validation toolkit that takes inspiration from - because who doesn't love a good source of inspiration? πŸ‘€


Language:Go 100.0%