mkaatman / vscode-dark-plus-webstorm

VSCode Dark+ theme and colourings for WebStorm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


VSCode Dark+ colourings for WebStorm (theme coming as soon as I find the time - until then, the colourings pair alright with Darcula).



  • Download the .icls file
  • Open WebStorm, and go to Settings
  • In the left-hand menu: Editor > Color Scheme
  • Click the cog next to the Scheme dropdown and Import Scheme
  • Select the .icls file, Apply

TODO and Not Done



  • Diff & Merge
  • VCS

NOT DONE (and unlikely to get done, as I'm not installing new languages for VSCode that I won't use)

  • Cucumber
  • Dart
  • EJS
  • HAML
  • JSP
  • RegExp
  • Stylus
  • XPath
  • Spy-is


This is a project I care about for as long as I am being forced to use WebStorm. I do not like WebStorm, and will not maintain either the colourings or theme when I can go back to an IDE of my choosing.

The vast majority of work has been done with WebStorm open next to VSCode and its DevTools, selecting elements in VSCode and copying colour values where WebStorm does not match. As such, neither colourings nor theme are an exact replica (and never will be - VSCode and WebStorm handle a lot of things differently. VSCode, for example, offers far more granular syntax highlighting).

Pull requests welcome.


VSCode Dark+ theme and colourings for WebStorm