mjwang1010 / rsofun

An R package to handle the SOFUN modelling framework.

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The rsofun R package provides functions for all the routine steps of running the P-model within R.

  • Setup of the model environment
  • Preparation of input files
  • Calibrating model parameters
  • Running the model
  • Reading outputs into R
  • Evaluating outputs (benchmarking)

It also provides a generic function (pmodel()) to run alternative implementations of the P-model in different languages (Fortran using the SOFUN modelling framework, Python not implemeted yet), wrapped within R, and an impementation in R itself.


To install and load the rsofun package run the following command in your R terminal:

devtools::install_github( "stineb/rsofun", dependencies = NA, build_vignettes = FALSE )

The vignettes need to be built in a separate step after manually specifying the path of where SOFUN is located locally. This is done by defining the option rsofun.dor.sofun. Change the paths in the vignettes vignettes/overview.Rmd and vignettes/test_implementations.Rmd from "string_path_where_sofun_is" to wherever you put it by hand. Then build the vignettes in R:

options( list( rsofun.dir.sofun="string_path_where_sofun_is" ) )

Display the rsofun overview vignette for a comprehensive documentation of the package:

vignette("overview", "rsofun")


The rsofun package requires a large number of other R-packages (dependencies). Required dependencies are essential for rsofun functions and are:

  • dplyr,ggplot2,lubridate,Metrics,mgcv,ncdf4,optimr,purrr,readr,rlang,stringr,tidyr, LSD, and GenSA,

Suggested dependencies are required only for certain optional tasks and are:

  • BayesianTools, caret, gplots, hydroGOF, maps, maptools, neuralnet, nnet, raster, sp, and testthat

To install locally unavailable packages, run


To load dependencies, run


Suggested dependencies are only used optionally:

  • GenSA: used by calib_sofun(), if settings_calib$method=="gensa", see calib_sofun.R
  • BayesianTools: used by calib_sofun(), if settings_calib$method=="BayesianTools", see calib_sofun.R
  • caret: used by gapfill_nn(), see gapfill_nn.R and prepare_input_sofun.R
  • neuralnet: used by gapfill_nn() and eval_response_neuralnet(), see eval_response_neuralnet.R and gapfill_nn.R
  • nnet: used by gapfill_nn() and eval_response_neuralnet(), see eval_response_neuralnet.R and gapfill_nn.R
  • hydroGOF: used by analyse_modobs() to calculate the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency, see analyse_modobs.R

External environment

Several functions require external programs called by system() calls from within R. Required programs need to be installed beforehand, as follows (Note: These are not required for the "Simple usage", described below):

  • NCO. Is used by get_pointdata_() functions (executing the Bash script "./extract_pointdata_byfil.sh" with NCO command ncks). Before using rsofun, install NCO on a Mac by
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install nco
  • CDO. Is used by the proc_ncout_sofun_bysite() function (executing Bash script "./proc_output_sofun.sh" with CDO command cdo mergetime). Before using rsofun, install CDO on a Mac by
brew install cdo

Apparently, CDO is no longer available as a Homebrew formula (right?). Unse MacPorts instead:

sudo port install cdo


rsofun provides functionalities to run the P-model in different setups, and implementations in different languages.

Simple usage


The P-model can be run as a simple R function. This uses model code that is directly implemented in R (in file rpmodel.R) For example:

tc    <- 20     # deg C
ppfd  <- 800    # mol/m2/d
vpd   <- 1000   # Pa
co2   <- 400    # ppm
elv   <- 0      # m.a.s.l.
fapar <- 1      # unitless
out_pmodel_R <- rsofun::rpmodel( tc = tc, vpd = vpd, co2 = co2, elv = elv, kphio = 0.05, fapar = fapar, ppfd = ppfd, method_optci="prentice14", method_jmaxlim = "wang17", do_ftemp_kphio = FALSE )

This returns a named list of P-model predictions, including the following elements:

  • gammastar: photorespiratory compensation point, (Pa)
  • kmm: Michaelis-Menten coefficient for photosynthesis (Pa)
  • ci: leaf-internal partial pressure, (Pa)
  • chi: = ci/ca, leaf-internal to ambient CO2 partial pressure, ci/ca (unitless)
  • iwue: intrinsic water use efficiency (unitless)
  • lue: light use efficiency (mol CO2 / mol photon)
  • gpp: gross primary productivity (g C m-2, calculated only if fAPAR and PPFD are not 'dummy')
  • vcmax: maximum carboxylation capacity per unit ground area (mol CO2 m-2 s-1)
  • vcmax25: Vcmax25 (Vcmax normalized to 25 deg C) (mol CO2 m-2 s-1)
  • vcmax_unitfapar: Vcmax per fAPAR (mol CO2 m-2 s-1)
  • vcmax_unitiabs: Vcmax per unit absorbed light (xxx units)
  • rd: Dark respiration (mol CO2 m-2 s-1)
  • rd_unitfapar: Dark respiration per fAPAR (mol CO2 m-2 s-1)
  • rd_unitiabs: Dark respiration per unit absorbed light (mol CO2 m-2 s-1)
  • actnv: Active metabolic leaf N (canopy-level), mol N/m2-ground
  • actnv_unitfapar: Active metabolic leaf N (leaf-level, top of canopy), mol N/m2-leaf
  • actnv_unitiabs: Active metabolic leaf N per unit absorbed light, mol N/m2/mol

Fortran wrapped into R

The P-model is also implemented in Fortran in the SOFUN modelling framework. We can use the generic P-model wrapper function pmodel( ..., implementation = "Fortran" ) to run the P-model implemented in SOFUN and read its output back into R. To set up and run SOFUN, follow the steps below as an example:

  1. Define the simulation settings:
settings_sims_simple <- list( 
  setup = "simple", 
  implementation  = "fortran", 
  dir_sofun = options()$rsofun.dir.sofun 
  1. Define the model setup. Use the demo_pmodel compilation for the simple setup where the P-model is run as a function:
setup_sofun_simple <- list(
  model      = "demo_pmodel",
  dir        = options()$rsofun.dir.sofun,
  do_compile = FALSE,
  simsuite   = FALSE
  1. Prepare the setup. For the simple setup, this clones the SOFUN repository, switches to branch pnmodel, and puts the executables in place (copying from the rsofun package or compiling if do_compile = TRUE).
settings_sims_simple <- prepare_setup_sofun( settings = settings_sims_simple )
  1. Create parameter (text) file. In the example below, we're using an example parameter file that is provided along with the rsofun package. Creating the parameter file is done again in R by:
params_opt <- readr::read_csv( paste0( path.package("rsofun"), "/extdata/params_opt_kphio_soilm_global.csv" ) )
nothing <- rsofun::update_params( params_opt, dir_sofun )
  1. Now, we can wrap SOFUN in R as:
out_pmodel <- pmodel( temp = 20, vpd = 100, co2 = 300, ppfd = 800, fapar = 1.0, elv = 200, implementation = "fortran", sofundir = dir_sofun )

This returns a named list, similar as described above for the rpmodel() function.

Alternatively, above steps can also be done directly in the shell without using the prepare_setup_sofun() function as follows:

  1. Get the SOFUN repository and switch to branch pnmodel. If you don't plan to further develop the publicly available code, you may just directly clone it:
cd # This clones sofun into your home
git clone -b pnmodel https://github.com/stineb/sofun.git

If you plan to develop new code, fork SOFUN in github. This creates a copy of the repository for your own, where you can implement your code edits. Once you're ready to share these (this is generally very welcome!), you can create a pull request in github to merge edits back into the original repository.

  1. Get the executables. Executables, compiled on a 64 bit UNIX machine are provided along with the rsofun package. These can just be copied into your local SOFUN directory. In R, do:
system( paste0( "cp ", path.package("rsofun"), "/extdata/rundemo_pmodel ", options()$rsofun.dir.sofun ) )

Note that dir_sofun is the local path where SOFUN was cloned into.

Alternatively or if you require executables on a Windows machine, compile the Fortran code. This is tested using the publicly available gfortran compiler. Make sure you have this compiler installed. See here for a guide to install gfortran. For the simple function-like setup of the Fortran P-model wrapped into R, compile from your shell as follows:

cd dir_sofun
make demo_pmodel
  1. Create parameter (text) file. In the example below, we're using an example parameter file that is provided along with the rsofun package. Creating the parameter file is done again in R by:
params_opt <- readr::read_csv( paste0( path.package("rsofun"), "/extdata/params_opt_kphio_soilm_global.csv" ) )
nothing <- rsofun::update_params( params_opt, options()$rsofun.dir.sofun )
  1. To run a quick test to see whether the Fortran-only part is running, the following command (entered in your shell) should return a sequence of numeric values:
echo 20 100 300 800 1.0 200 | ./rundemo_pmodel  # the values are: temp, vpd, co2, ppfd, fapar, elv
# should return:
#    3.26343822       45.5780487       26.0814800      0.877946496       2.28850331E-05  0.230092600       0.00000000       0.00000000       184.074081       48.1304512       75.5490265       48.1304512       6.01630621E-02  0.637075663      0.674691319      0.713611901      0.713611901       8.92014883E-04   25412.6855       25412.6855       31.7658558       0.00000000    
  1. Now, we can wrap SOFUN in R as:
out_pmodel <- pmodel( temp = 20, vpd = 100, co2 = 300, ppfd = 800, fapar = 1.0, elv = 200, implementation = "fortran", sofundir = options()$rsofun.dir.sofun )

This returns a named list, similar as described above for the rpmodel() function.

Site-scale simulations

See overview vignette:

vignette("overview", "rsofun")

Spatial simulations

See overview vignette:

vignette("overview", "rsofun")


Display the rsofun test vignette:

vignette("test_implementations", "rsofun")


Examples are given in several vignettes, also available here.


The main author (B. Stocker) was funded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship H2020-MSCA-IF-2015, project FIBER, grant number 701329.


An R package to handle the SOFUN modelling framework.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:R 98.6%Language:Shell 1.4%