miyakogi / m2r

Markdown to reStructuredText converter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Static file in markdown

jetheurer opened this issue · comments

Hi all, I have a link to an image in my README.md file.

presentation:<img src="docs/source/.static/i.png">

When the mdinclude directive parses this, it keeps the original URL for the image, but sphinx moves everything to a docs/build/_static/ directory. Is there anyway to update this url?

i am also interested in this.

i used a slightly different syntax:


@jetheurer: did you find a fix for this?

EDIT: the following syntax did work (using round brackets instead of square ones):


Also having this problem. I can link to a static file in my README.md by referencing docs/source/_static
but I cannot have it show up in the .rst unless I reference relative to the docs folder (_static/pic.png)

Is there anyway to have this work in both places?