mixxorz / slippers

A UI component framework for Django. Built on top of Django Template Language.

Home Page:https://mitchel.me/slippers/

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Non-boolean {% attrs %} which appear after boolean attributes don't get parsed/rendered correctly

ocratravis opened this issue · comments

This is with slippers 0.4.0.

Consider the following simple component, named test_component:

<input type="text" {% attrs required maxlength %}>

If you use it in a template like this:

{% test_component required maxlength=10 %}

...then it outputs this (note that the maxlength attribute is missing):

<input type="text" required>

But if you reverse the order of the attributes in the template:

{% test_component maxlength=10 required %}

Or if you pass an explicit value:

{% test_component required=True maxlength=10 %}

...then it works as expected:

<input type="text" required maxlength="10">

This has been fixed by #24

I've released version 0.5.0a0 which addresses this issue. Could you please give it a try?

pip install slippers==0.5.0a0