mitre / HTTP-Proxy-Servlet

Smiley's HTTP Proxy implemented as a Java servlet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add support for configuring networking-related behavior of Apache HTTP client from JVM system properties

twwwt opened this issue · comments

Apache HTTP client supports setting various networking-related behavior from system properties defined by the JVM. As an example http.proxyHost, https.proxyHost, which are particularly needed if the proxy servlet itself is behind a HTTP forward proxy through which all traffic must be routed. For a list of system properties available, see SystemDefaultHttpClient.

Whether these system properties are taken into account should be configurable using a new init Boolean parameter useSystemProperties. If true the system properties are taken into account; if false not, even if they are set.

Now that this has been merged, would it be possible to do a new release?


Yeah, soon-ish.

I plan to release in a week or two. I invite you to harass me if I don't ;-)