mitmproxy / pdoc

API Documentation for Python Projects

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Deploying pdoc to GH pages requires all dependencies

cwschilly opened this issue · comments

Problem Description

When deploying pdoc documentation to GitHub pages, why is it necessary to install all dependencies of a given library (since pdoc does not run code)? For example, in the sample yaml:

# ADJUST THIS: install all dependencies (including pdoc)
- run: pip install -e .
# ADJUST THIS: build your documentation into docs/.
# We use a custom build script for pdoc itself, ideally you just run `pdoc -o docs/ ...` here.
- run: python docs/

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. In above yaml, replace pip install -e . with pip install pdoc
  2. Run the action -- it will fail because of missing dependencies

System Information

pdoc: 14.1.0
Python: 3.12.0
Platform: Linux-6.2.0-35-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35

@fnrizzi fyi

pdoc is heavily based on dynamic analysis, so pdoc needs to be able to import your code to inspect it. That typically requires your dependencies to be present. :)