mitmproxy / pdoc

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"Dynamically" Modified Docstrings Are Not Rendered

lovetheguitar opened this issue · comments

Problem Description

When modifying the docstring of say some method via a decorator or explicitly mingling with __doc__ I'd expect pdoc to render the result.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:


import pathlib
# import deprecation
# @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="0.1.0", removed_in="1.0.0", details="This is not rendered.")
# def demo_deprecation():
#     """This is always rendered."""

def demonstrate_doc_string_additions_do_not_get_rendered():
    """This docstring is always rendered as expected."""

demonstrate_doc_string_additions_do_not_get_rendered.__doc__ += "\n\nThis does not get rendered!"

def docstring_addition_decorator(function):
    function.__doc__ = "" if function.__doc__ is None else function.__doc__

    function.__doc__ += "\n\nDocstring added via decorator, also not rendered."

    return function

def demo_two():
    """This is rendered as usual."""

def demo_decorator_only_works_if_no_docstring_set():
    pass  # if no docstring is set, the docstring gets added via decorator


We want to use decorators for deprecation management, e.g. deprecation.

Rendered Output:

System Information

pdoc: 13.0.0
Python: 3.8.10
Platform: Windows-10-10.0.19042-SP0