mitchspano / sfdx-scan-pull-request

Runs sfdx-scanner on a pull request and generates in-line comments with the findings.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

severity-threshold parameter is working in a wrong way

Yurii-Zakharov opened this issue · comments

Current condition check if violation.severity is equal or greater then inputs.severityThreshold from numbers perspective, but what we want is to check from severity perspective.

Severity perspective
1-5 where
1 - highest
5 - lowest

In version v0.1.10

  • We set inputs.severityThreshold = 2 which means we want to throw error when severity is 2 or greater (1).
  • We run scan and violation.severity = 3 appears.
  • Next conditions is checked (inputs.severityThreshold <= violation.severity) -> True
  • Error is thrown. But it is not what we wanted. 2 is less then 3 from numbers meaning, but from severity perspective it is greater.

How it should be

  • We set inputs.severityThreshold = 2 which means we want to throw error when severity is 2 or greater (1).
  • We run scan and violation.severity = 3 appears.
  • Next conditions is checked (inputs.severityThreshold >= violation.severity) -> False
  • Continue without error. It is what we wanted. 2 is greater then 3 from from severity perspective.

The same way sfdx scanner plugin is working. While stating:

-s, --severity-threshold=_severity-threshold_
Throws an error when violations are found with equal or greater severity than the provided value. 

They consider this severity perspective.

Please check my PR with fix #52
It is working correctly in my Actions workflow with next configurations:

    - name: Run SFDX Scanner - Report findings as annotations
      uses: Yurii-Zakharov/sfdx-scan-pull-request@fixSeverityCondition 
        engine: pmd
        severity-threshold: 1
        report-mode: check-runs
        pmdconfig: sfdx-scanner/my-ruleset-pmd.xml
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Error is thrown only for P1 violations