mitchellsimoens / Ext.ux.touch.grid

Grid components for Sencha Touch 2

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Can't un-set the line-height

jacobweber opened this issue · comments

List._buildTpl now sets the line-height style to the list's itemHeight config. But if you set this config to null, to indicate that you don't want the line-height specified, you end up with the CSS "line-height: undefinedpx". It should check to make sure this config isn't null before adding the style.

Ext.ux.touch.grid does not specify itemHeight or the line-height CSS at all.

It does as of this commit:


The default Ext.dataview.List in Sencha Touch 2.1 sets a default value for itemHeight.

You're right, was on a stale branch I had locally.

Can anyone tell me how to create a button in this grid's column....right now i have used xtype:button button is visible but with no text..amy help would be appreciated...thanks in advance