mitchellh / gox

A dead simple, no frills Go cross compile tool

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gox silently ignores unregistered targets

mcandre opened this issue · comments

Hi, I am configuring gox to output:

  • Linux RISV-V targets (linux/riscv)
  • Windows ARM64 targets (windows/arm64)
  • FreeBSD ARM64 targets (freebsd/arm64)
  • Linux, Windows, and FreeBSD AMD64 targets

The official Go release documentation says these should be perfectly valid targets. However, gox silently ignores the first three targets. No error emits to the console. No non-zero status code reports. Neither does gox actually produce the desired binaries.

I'm not even using cgo. This is Hello World I'm trying to port.

I know this is a kind of a late response but better than nothing I guess😁

The issue is that gox doesn't know any targets that are newer than Go 1.6, but yes, it's a good idea that it should at least output something when it doesn't know the target.
I did try to add new targets to my fork, since I needed them, you can try it out, it may help you.

I'll also try to add message when the target is not known by gox.