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I need an up-to-date access to a Punya instance please. Any advice?

zamycarter opened this issue · comments

  1. I have tried building from sources but I keep getting errors on the compiling step. I have given up on that now cause I am not an expert and I can't get to eliminate these errors.
  2. I tried accessing the instance from but the page has a bug so it displays funny. (see below)
  3. I also tried which is a link that was provided over 2 years ago via a user that had created PunyaAI2(stand alone). But this link seems to have expired.
    Anyway I am out of options and I was really looking forward to build an app with this. Is there any help, advice I can get on how to go about this issue? I really do wish I get an instance I can aceess, it will make things really easier for me. Thanks in advance.

Punya is no longer maintained. You should use the App Inventor server instead.

@conorshipp I had started using it but then it doesn't have the Linked data extension that I require for my app.