mistralai / mistral-inference

Official inference library for Mistral models

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JSON response format failing to retrieve clean JSON

serferdinand2 opened this issue · comments


When asking the model to return JSON via responseFormat (or response_format) setting in the request options, sometimes with JSON an additional text is added, usually explaining the JSON that it returned.


String userPrompt is generated dynamically based on the usecase.

const userPrompt = `Given the following Typescript Types: 'interface Question<T extends QuestionType> { title: string; type: T; 

, your job is to provide structured JSON formatted questions in an array. Create questions for a rating type question survey. Do not include any text in your response except JSON. Do not return Markdown or HTML. Be sure to create not more than 1 questions. Be sure to create at least 1 questions.`

mistral = new MistralClient(options.apiKey);
const chat = await mistral.chat({
		model: 'mistral-small,
		messages: [{ role: 'user', content: userPrompt }],
		responseFormat: { type: 'json_object' },
		temperature: temperature,
data = JSON.parse(
Completion:  {
  id: '0ef53d7c6c3a4a5ebbaf43aa96c0f5d9',
  object: 'chat.completion',
  created: 1713366257,
  model: 'mistral-small',
  choices: [
      index: 0,
      message: {
        role: 'assistant',
        content: '[\n' +
          '{\n' +
          '"title": "How would you rate your overall satisfaction with our product?",\n' +
          '"type": "rating",\n' +
          '"required": true,\n' +
          '"properties": {\n' +
          '"labels": [\n' +
          '{\n' +
          '"label": "Very unsatisfied",\n' +
          '"value": 1\n' +
          '},\n' +
          '{\n' +
          '"label": "Unsatisfied",\n' +
          '"value": 2\n' +
          '},\n' +
          '{\n' +
          '"label": "Neutral",\n' +
          '"value": 3\n' +
          '},\n' +
          '{\n' +
          '"label": "Satisfied",\n' +
          '"value": 4\n' +
          '},\n' +
          '{\n' +
          '"label": "Very satisfied",\n' +
          '"value": 5\n' +
          '}\n' +
          ']\n' +
          '}\n' +
          '}\n' +
          ']\n' +
          '\n' +
          **'This JSON array contains one question of type "rating" that asks the customer about their overall satisfaction with the product. The question has 5 labels with corresponding values from 1 to 5, where 1 means "Very unsatisfied" and 5 means "Very satisfied". The question is required.',**
        tool_calls: null
      finish_reason: 'stop',
      logprobs: null
  usage: { prompt_tokens: 447, total_tokens: 658, completion_tokens: 211 }


The request header seems to be doing fine:

request {
  model: 'mistral-small',
  messages: [
      role: 'user',
      content: 'Given the following Typescript Types \


Do not return Markdown or HTML. Be sure to create not more than 1 questions. Be sure to create at least 1 questions.'
  tools: undefined,
  temperature: 0,
  max_tokens: undefined,
  top_p: undefined,
  random_seed: undefined,
  stream: false,
  safe_prompt: undefined,
  tool_choice: undefined,
  response_format: { type: 'json_object' }