misode / minecraft-schemas

Schemas to parse and validate JSON structures

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The dimenstion generator.settings requests the non-existent parameter "name".

ChenCMD opened this issue · comments


reported from twitter

Isn't name a thing necessary for inlined settings? I'm not too familiar with worldgen though. 👀

SPGoding is correct. You need to specify name when you don't put the noise settings in its own file.


So if the noise settings are in that file, I don't think you need a name.... am I saying something irrelevant?

From what I understand, you don't need name if the setting is put under data/<namespace>/worldgen/noise_settings/**.json because the resource location of it is already provided by its file path. However, you do need a name specifying the resource location of this setting if you inlined (i.e. put) it in the dimension file's settings field directly.

Working as intended