miroslavpejic85 / p2p

🖥️ P2P Remote Desktop - Portable, No Configuration or Installation Needed.

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Support Copying Files Via Drag 'n' Drop

Reda-Beloued opened this issue · comments

First of all, Thank you so much for this very useful piece of software especially because it is fully written in C#. For months, I was looking for an MVP that does this with no luck! and I was amazed to see this yesterday on HN

One request is, if possible to add copying files from the host PC by dragging and dropping them directly on the "p2p_desktop" window to have them copied to the guest PC (on its desktop or the active app's window)

Hello @Reda-Beloued, thank you very much, yes of course, It would be a very nice feature to add.

We can create a new UdtSocket for a new connection to handle the File Transfer.

I leave a snippet to start/take inspiration from and a simple video on how to enable the drag & drop on the PictureBox item.

Contributions are welcome :)


using System.IO;
using UdtSharp;

namespace p2pconn
    static class Receiver
        static internal void Run(UdtSocket connection)
            using (var netStream = new UdtNetworkStream(connection))
            using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(netStream))
            using (var reader = new BinaryReader(netStream))
                string fileName = reader.ReadString();
                long size = reader.ReadInt64();

                byte[] buffer = new byte[4 * 1024 * 1024];

                using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create))
                    long read = 0;

                    while (read < size)
                        int toRecv = reader.ReadInt32();

                        ReadFragment(reader, toRecv, buffer);

                        fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, toRecv);

                        read += toRecv;


        static int ReadFragment(BinaryReader reader, int size, byte[] buffer)
            int read = 0;

            while (read < size)
                read += reader.Read(buffer, read, size - read);

            return read;


using System;
using System.IO;
using UdtSharp;

namespace p2pconn
    static class Sender
        static internal void Run(UdtSocket connection, string file, bool logVerbose)
            using (var netStream = new UdtNetworkStream(connection))
            using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(netStream))
            using (var reader = new BinaryReader(netStream))
            using (var fileReader = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                long fileSize = new FileInfo(file).Length;


                byte[] buffer = new byte[512 * 1024];

                long pos = 0;

                while (pos < fileSize)
                    int toSend = buffer.Length < (fileSize - pos)
                        ? buffer.Length
                        : (int)(fileSize - pos);

                    fileReader.Read(buffer, 0, toSend);

                    int iteration = Environment.TickCount;

                    connection.Send(buffer, 0, toSend);

                    if (!reader.ReadBoolean())
                        Console.WriteLine("Error in transmission");

                    pos += toSend;

                    if (logVerbose)
                        Console.WriteLine("Current: {0} / s",
                            SizeConverter.ConvertToSizeString(toSend / (Environment.TickCount - iteration) * 1000));


namespace p2pconn
    internal enum DataSizeUnit
        Bytes = 1,
        KiloBytes = 1024,
        MegaBytes = 1024 * 1024,
        GigaBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 1024

    internal static class SizeConverter
        internal static string ConvertToSizeString(long size)
            DataSizeUnit totalSizeUnit = SizeConverter.GetSuitableUnit(size);
            return string.Format("{0:#0.##} {1}", SizeConverter.ConvertToSize(
                size, totalSizeUnit), SizeConverter.GetUnitString(totalSizeUnit));

        internal static float ConvertToSize(long size, DataSizeUnit unit)
            return (float)size / (float)unit;

        static string GetUnitString(DataSizeUnit unit)
            switch (unit)
                case DataSizeUnit.Bytes: return "bytes";
                case DataSizeUnit.KiloBytes: return "KB";
                case DataSizeUnit.MegaBytes: return "MB";
                case DataSizeUnit.GigaBytes: return "GB";
            return string.Empty;

        static DataSizeUnit GetSuitableUnit(long size)
            if (size >= 0 && size < (long)DataSizeUnit.KiloBytes)
                return DataSizeUnit.Bytes;
            else if (size >= (long)DataSizeUnit.KiloBytes && size <= (long)DataSizeUnit.MegaBytes)
                return DataSizeUnit.KiloBytes;
            else if (size >= (long)DataSizeUnit.MegaBytes && size <= (long)DataSizeUnit.GigaBytes)
                return DataSizeUnit.MegaBytes;
                return DataSizeUnit.GigaBytes;

Hey @miroslavpejic85, I would like to contribute to this issue. I have around 6 months of experience in ASP.NET and C#.