mirage / digestif

Simple hash algorithms in OCaml

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doc is broken

mimoo opened this issue · comments

I couldn't find a link to the HTML doc here, but there's doc in the ocaml hub here: https://docs.ocaml.pro/docs/OPAM.digestif.0.9.0/index.html
unfortunately the link to Digestif is broken

On another note, the code doc of feed_bytes refers to feed, which is not there https://github.com/mirage/digestif/blob/master/src/digestif.mli#L36

You can find an up-to-date documentation here: https://mirage.github.io/digestif/
Then, I will re-update the documentation according to your comment.

Thanks! I suggest linking to it in the Github page (on the right you can add a website). Having it in the README helps as well usually :)