minwook-shin / ubuntu-online-tour-korean

ubuntu online tour korean po file

Home Page:http://minwook-shin.github.io/ubuntu-online-tour-korean

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


korean po file
made by.minwook-shin
demo site : http://minwook-shin.github.io/ubuntu-online-tour-korean

translate License

GPL 3.0

Details License for source package

Files: *
Copyright: 2011, 2012 Canonical Ltd.
License: GPL-3+

Files: img/*
Copyright: 2011 Canonical Ltd.
License: CC-BY-SA 3.0

Files: pie/*
Copyright: 2011 Jason Johnston
License: Apache-2

Files: js/jquery.min.js
Copyright: 2011 John Resig
License: MIT

Files: js/jquery-ui.min.js
Copyright:(c) 2008 Paul Bakaus (ui.jquery.com)
License: MIT

How to create translated HTML pages

You simply need to go to the translate-html/bin folder and run:

./translate-html -t

This will generate a set of folders, one for each available translations,
ready to publish online

Translate script help

translate-html/bin$ ./translate-html --help
Usage: translate-html {--extract|--translate} [options]

This script can be used to prepare translatable messages in HTML files <br>
and expose them to translators and to subsequently use those translations <br>
to build localized HTML files based on the original in English. <br>

It works in one of two modes: <br>

- Extract mode: extracts translatable strings from the file specified <br>
  in the 'po/POTFILES.in' file and puts them into a .pot file into the <br>
  'po' folder, ready to give it to translators. <br>
- Translate mode: fetches the translations in the form of .po files in the <br>
  'po-html' folder and builds localized files based on the original. <br>
  Untranslated strings in the PO files are left as their English originals <br>
  in the generated localized files. The localized files are named <br>
    <ISO-639-2-lang-code>/<original-filename>.<original-fileext> <br>
  E.g. <br>
    en/index.html      <- original file <br>
    zh-CN/index.html   <- Simplified Chinese translation <br>

Structure of the 'po-html' folder: <br>

  po-html/template.pot <- translation template created in extract mode <br>
  po-html/POTFILES.in  <- files to extract strings from are specified here <br>
  po-html/zh_CN.po     <- translation done by translators <br>
  po-html/ca.po        <- another translation, naming: <ISO 639-2 code>.po <br>

--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug Print the maximum debugging info (implies -vv)
-v, --verbose set error_level output to warning, info, and then debug
-x, --extract Extract mode: extract the strings from the original HTML
-t, --translate Translate mode: get the translations from PO files and
write them to a new translated HTML file
-s, --test Test mode: only effective in conjunction with Translate
mode. If set, untranslatable messages are translated as
reversed English, so that they are easy to spot.


ubuntu online tour korean po file




Language:JavaScript 58.3%Language:HTML 19.0%Language:CSS 16.8%Language:Python 5.4%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:PHP 0.1%Language:M4 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%