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Since RELEASE.2024-03-26T22-10-45Z console UI is very slow for LDAP authenticated users.

abisek9186-baloise opened this issue · comments

Console UI is really slow (takes around 20 to 30 seconds to load the object browser). We have around 150 objects across 3 buckets in this minio instance so number of objects should not be an issue.

Expected Behavior

Console UI should list the objects as fast as root user based login does.
While browsing via root login, the browsing is very fast, and akes ~1-2 secs only to load the object browser.

Current Behavior

Consule UI is realluy slow (takes around 20 to 30 seconds to load the object browser).
Performance for mc CLI against the MinIO API is consistently fast.

Current env variable which sets the LDAP config for the tenant, is below:

    value: "ou=Users,ou=XXX,dc=YYY,dc=com"
    value: "(&(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=%s))"
    value: "ou=Ressources-GRP,ou=Groups,ou=XXX,dc=YYY,dc=com"
    value: "(&(objectClass=group)(member=%d))"

Your Environment

  • Version used (minio --version): Any release after RELEASE.2024-03-26T22-10-45Z behaves the same
  • Server setup and configuration: Helm chart based operator installation on OpenShift where operator manages the tenant
  • Operating System and version (uname -a): OCP 4.14
  • MinIO UI/API is exposed through OCP route.

@bexsoft we have a community report now for the same issue.