minihippo / LeetCode


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The reposity is for recording submissions in LeetCode. Programing language is java and Scala.



tag easy
  1. TwoSum
  2. Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array
    • two pointers
  3. Remove Element
  4. Search Insert Position
    • two pointers,binary search
  5. Maximum Subarray
  6. Plus One
    • immutable array of integer will be intialized with 0
  7. Merge Sorted Array
  8. Pascal's Triangle
    scala: unaccepted maybe linkedlist is the type to solve the problem
  9. Pascal's Triangle2
  10. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
    • CQ
    • Kadane's Algorithm: maximum subarray problem
  11. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock2
    • Peak Valley Approach
    • greedy algorithm is slower than the other solution
  12. Two Sum2
    • two pointers
    • binary search : O(logn),defeat 99%
  13. Majority Element
    • Mroove voting Algorithm
    • for extension: icebrug, element appears more than k times
  14. Rotate Array
    bad solution
    • extra space;three times reversal;reserve
    • I consider that queue is the best data structure to solve the problem
  15. Contains Duplicate
    • byte array: most fast
  16. Contains Duplicate
    • set and sliding window
  17. Move Zeroes
    • two pointers
    • while is faster than for loop
  18. Third Maximum Number
    • the normal way O(logn)
    • priority queue: O(nlogn)
  19. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array
  20. Max Consecutive Ones
    • concise way has long runtime
  21. K-diff pairs in an Array
    • sort then two pointers
    • map: map.entry map.keySet()
  22. Array Partition
    • sort then ... nlogn
    • bucket sort, n. beats 98.97%. faster
  23. Reshape the Matrix
    • common way
tag medium
  1. Container With Most Water
    • two pointers
    • Math.max/min runtime seems slower than direct comparison




Language:Java 68.5%Language:Scala 31.5%