mingyuyng / DiffJSCC

Code for "Diffusion-Aided Joint Source Channel Coding For High Realism Wireless Image Transmission", Arxiv

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The repository contains the code for Diffusion-Aided Joint Source Channel Coding for High Realism Wireless Image Transmission (arxiv).



git clone https://github.com/mingyuyng/DiffJSCC.git
cd DiffJSCC

# create environment
conda create -n diffjscc python=3.9
conda activate diffjscc
pip install -r requirements.txt


OpenImage dataset

Please run the script below to prepare the OpenImage dataset. Note that awscli needs to be installed before running this script. Please refer to OpenImage download

bash prepare_OpenImage.sh

Other datasets

We also provide other datasets including CelebAHQ512 and Kodak. The readers could download them from Google Drive.

Data folder structure

/data                            # Root directory
|-- /OpenImage                   # Open Image dataset
|   |-- /018ed13fabd94731.jpg             
|   |-- /00e48838f27aa1a3.jpg         
|-- /CelebAHQ_train_512          # CelebAHQ train set
|   |-- /0.png              
|   |-- /1.png 
|-- /CelebAHQ_test_512           # CelebAHQ test set
|   |-- /27000.png              
|   |-- /27001.png
|-- /Kodak                       # Kodak dataset
|   |-- /1.png              
|   |-- /2.png 

Split the train and val set

Please run the following script to split the training set and validation set. The list of images will be placed in datalist folder

bash create_data_list.sh

Train the JSCC encoder and decoder

OpenImage dataset

ResNet structure

python train.py --config ./configs/train_jscc_cnn.yaml --name "jscc_cnn_openimage" --refresh_rate 1


python train.py --config ./configs/train_jscc_swin.yaml --name "jscc_swin_openimage" --refresh_rate 1

Note that the data paths in configs/dataset/JSCC_OpenImage_train.yaml and configs/dataset/JSCC_OpenImage_val.yaml need to be modified

CelebA dataset

ResNet structure

python train.py --config ./configs/train_jscc_cnn_CelebA.yaml --name "jscc_cnn_CelebA" --refresh_rate 1


python train.py --config ./configs/train_jscc_swin_CelebA.yaml --name "jscc_swin_CelebA" --refresh_rate 1

Note that the data paths in configs/dataset/JSCC_CelebA_train.yaml and configs/dataset/JSCC_CelebA_val.yaml need to be modified

Train the conditional diffusion model

Download the weights of Stable Diffusion

wget https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base/resolve/main/v2-1_512-ema-pruned.ckpt --no-check-certificate

Merge the Stable Diffusion weights with the JSCC encoder and decoder

Here is an example of merging the weights of SD and ResNet-based JSCC

python scripts/make_stage2_init_weight.py \
           --cldm_config configs/model/cldm_cnn.yaml \
           --sd_weight v2-1_512-ema-pruned.ckpt\
           --jscc_weight path/to/the/weights \
           --output ./init_weights/weights_cnn.ckpt

Train the conditional diffusion model

OpenImage dataset

python train.py --config ./configs/train_cldm.yaml --name 'cldm_cnn_OpenImage' --refresh_rate 1

Note that the paths within /configs/train_cldm.yaml need to be modified.


Kodak dataset

python inference_cldm.py \
	--input ./data/Kodak \
	--config configs/model/cldm_cnn.yaml \
	--ckpt path/to/the/cldm/checkpoint \
	--steps 50 \
	--sr_scale 1 \
	--color_fix_type wavelet \
	--output output/folder \
	--device cuda \
	--repeat_times 5 \
	--SNR 1 \    
        --use_lang \
        --use_guidance --g_scale 100 --g_t_start 1001 --g_t_stop -1 --g_repeat 1 \ # remove this if don't want intermediate guidance
        --show_lq \

Pre-trained weights

Will provide pre-trained weights soon


Kodak Images (R=1/128 cpp, SNR=1dB)


CelebAHQ Images (R=1/256 cpp, SNR=-5dB)



This project is largely based on DiffBIR and SwinJSCC. Thanks for their awesome work.


Mingyu Yang, Bowen Liu, Boyang Wang, Hun-Seok Kim, "Diffusion-Aided Joint Source Channel Coding For High Realism Wireless Image Transmission"

  title={Diffusion-Aided Joint Source Channel Coding For High Realism Wireless Image Transmission},
  author={Yang, Mingyu and Liu, Bowen and Wang, Boyang and Kim, Hun-Seok},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.17736},


Code for "Diffusion-Aided Joint Source Channel Coding For High Realism Wireless Image Transmission", Arxiv


Language:Python 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%