ming024 / FastSpeech2

An implementation of Microsoft's "FastSpeech 2: Fast and High-Quality End-to-End Text to Speech"

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pitch embedding dimension mismatch

nayanjha16 opened this issue · comments

In the file modules.py line x = x + pitch_embedding ( line no 131) the dimension of pitch_embedding is different from the dimetion of x

The same can be verified from the following logs : -
printing the size of x torch.Size([16, 25, 256])
printing the type of pitch_embedding <class 'torch.Tensor'>
printing the size of pitch_embedding 16
printing the size of pitch_embedding torch.Size([16, 64, 256])

On investigating this issue a bit further in the get_pitch_embedding() where we get the pitch embedding
I found the following:-

  1. The dimension of prediction being generated in following line
    'prediction = self.pitch_predictor(x, mask)'
    matches the dimension of x .
    It is only in the line embedding = self.pitch_embedding(torch.bucketize(target, self.pitch_bins))
    that the dimension of embedding which later becomes pitch_embedding mismatches from the dimension of x.

The log for printing the dimentions are as under :
from within get_pitch_embedding fn ()
the size of x is torch.Size([16, 25, 256])
the shape of prediction is torch.Size([16, 25])
printing the shape of target torch.Size([16, 64])
printing the shape after bucketization

The code snippet for the get_pitch_embedding() from model/modules.py is as under

def get_pitch_embedding(self, x, target, mask, control):
print("from within get_pitch_embedding fn () ")
print("the size of x is {0} ".format(x.size()))
prediction = self.pitch_predictor(x, mask)
print("the shape of prediction is {0}".format(prediction.size()))
if target is not None:
print("printing the shape of target {0}".format(target.size()))
print("printing the shape after bucketization")
print(torch.bucketize(target, self.pitch_bins).shape)
embedding = self.pitch_embedding(torch.bucketize(target, self.pitch_bins))
prediction = prediction * control
embedding = self.pitch_embedding(
torch.bucketize(prediction, self.pitch_bins)
print(prediction.shape, embedding.shape)
return prediction, embedding

Note : The language being used is Hindi. I have updated the phone set in text/symbols.py accordingly

Note : I feel there is a problem with target generation. Can someone please point out where is this value being generated ?

I got the same problem as well when I use AISHELL3, the size of x changes as well, I would ran into loss mismatch when the size of x is [batch, 1]. I think this is something wrong with the input. Hope someone could find out why.